The Creator 90 Mastermind & Coaching Program

Want to join Creator 90? Start by applying below.

Isn’t It Time You Have More Clients, Income and Influence?

You deserve to monetize your calling and play the game as big as you feel you should be playing.
That’s why I created the Creator 90.
It’s a comprehensive coaching program all about helping you to create and experience a life and business of freedom.
Once you’ve completed the program, you’ll have more cash so you can continually grow your business, become debt free and start investing.
You’ll have a deeper connection to your friends, family and lover. This way, you no longer have to feel guilt and shame as you go to work.
You’ll feel more connected to Source. This way you will be hearing the Voice and allowing it to guide your every move.
You’ll even increase your capacity so you love your body and have more space to handle stressful situations with ease.

“Through Anthony’s guidance I was able to increase my company’s revenue from $250,000 to $313,000. And the even better part, he helped me to get back 25 hours a week so I don’t have to teach any more. Now my entire focus is running the business instead of working in it.”
Micah Bellieu, CEO of Fluency Corp.

Many people think in order to create and grow a life and business of freedom all they need to do is learn is how to market their business.
While this is crucial, marketing without personal power will not get you the results you seek.
Maybe you’ve experienced this?
On the flip side, many people believe all they need to do is learn to master the real estate between their two ears.
You must understand, learning to master your mind without mastering the game of modern day marketing and strategic sales systems will leave you sitting on the sidelines, watching people live out their calling, while you hope and pray to live out yours.
Maybe you’ve been there before? Maybe you’re right there now?
You need to understand in order to bring your dreams of spending more time with you family, traveling the world and making more money, you must learn to master the game of personal power, modern day marketing and strategic sales systems simultaneously.

From creating and packaging up your information and knowledge into digital products, to building an audience, to increasing your sales, when you’ve completed the Creator 90, you will have hit your targets.
By the end of this program you will:

- Have Clarity, Confidence and Certainty
- Position Yourself as an Authority in Your Industry
- Know Who Your Ideal Clients Are and Expand Your Audience
- Sell More Products, Programs and/or Services
- Build Your Email List
- Have Customized Marketing Strategies to Promote Your Business
- Have a Strategic Sales System to Close More Sales
- Accountability to Do the Things You Say You Will Do
- Access to Some of the Best People in the Industry to Help You Execute on Things You Don’t Want to Do

1. Digital Marketing Influence Academy ($1,997 Value)
You’ll learn:

- Craft Your Marketing Message
- Create a Celebrity Brand
- Email List Building Strategies
- Content and Twitter Marketing
- How to Package and Launch Your Products/Programs
- Build a Converting Marketing Funnel

2. Weekly One-on-One Coaching Calls ($1,500 Value)
You’ll have weekly accountability to accelerate your performance and hit your targets.

- 1-on-1 Coaching
- Weekly Accountability
- Customized Marketing Strategies
- Breakthrough Coaching

Here’s How I Will Help You Have
More Clients, Income and Influence

1. Digital Marketing Influence Academy
2. Weekly One-on-One Coaching

The Cost
3 Payments of $300 per month
Total Investment:
$900 to deliver fast results for your business and life

I invite you to click the button above, fill out your application and let’s have a talk to see if you’re a good fit to take your life and business to new levels.

The Creator 90 is designed to help people who you are in the game and have already created a business of some sort. From six-figure companies to freelance work.
You’ve heard the Voice calling you to take your gifts and talents, share them with the world and get paid.
You’re a go getter and you’ve made some money and you want to create more and do so more sustainably.
You’re ready to package up your knowledge, up your positioning in your market place and continually market, promote and level up as you grow.
Joining Creator 90 might be the best investment you’ve ever made.

The Creator 90 isn’t a good fit for everyone.
It is specifically designed to help authors, speakers, coaches, consultants, trainers and service providers make more money and create more freedom in their lives and businesses.
If you’re looking to get rich quick or find some magic bullet, you’re not a good fit for this.
If you’re just interested and are brand new to creating a business, you’re not a good fit for this.
I have products that will help educate and equip you with skill sets if you’re just getting started.

Joining Creator 90 May Be the
Best Investment You’ve Ever Made

There’s absolutely no obligation on your part.
This is a simple invitation with no strings attached. What do you have to lose?
Remember, nothing changes if nothing changes.
If you’re ready to get clear, gain confidence, stand with certainty and make more cash, click on that button below.
At the very least, you’ll have an epic conversation that may change the direction of your life and business forever.
The best case scenario is you’ll come into Creator 90 and you’ll get the GPS to making your dreams a reality.

“Let me start by saying that I have never referred a consultant as many times – and in such a short time – as I have Anthony John Amyx. It just seems like everyone I talk to needs him! He has not only helped me to develop my 30K marketing plan, but has helped me to implement at the micro-level. I am confident that I will not only meet, but exceed my marketing goals but the end of 2016. And one more thing, it would not surprise me at all to see his name next to the phrase “Under-promise and over deliver” in Wikipedia. You will get every penny’s worth of your investment in Anthony John Amyx.”
Viveka von Rosen, Founder of LinkedIn To Business.

“I was completely stuck in the sludge of non-action. I could never quite push past the ideas phase.
Within the first session, he was able to help clear the path, empower me to take massive action toward my goals and I was knocking out task after task I’d needed to be doing for months.
Every single session I have with him brings an enhanced focus to what I’m trying to do.
I cannot imagine how far behind I would still be if Anthony John Amyx wasn’t here as my coach.”
Jason Croft, Host of Startup Dallas and The Jason Croft Show

“I own a martial arts academy and highly recommend Anthony John Amyx to anyone who wants to do good in any type of business. His marketing strength, strategy and ability to bring power house leader minds together is unbelievable. It is worth every penny. He really brings out the best in you.
Believe me it works! I have been working with him for the past 6 months and have 20 clients and other leads to show for it.”
Pedro Ramidan, Owner of Rio Academy

© Amyx Global LLC. 2016