In today’s episode, we’ll be talking about “What you resist will persist”. I’ve been coaching people for a long time and this week, there’s been some recurring patterns with people who have done deep work like healing their childhood traumas and diving into finding their core roots. After doing this for a long time, I’ve realized that during this lifetime, it seems like every single human being or every soul has a lot of lessons to learn. But there is one common thread lesson.  

So this week, a couple of clients were at a place where they’re trying to justify why they shouldn’t be experiencing what they are experiencing or defending why they shouldn’t be experiencing what they’re experiencing. The truth is, they’re still triggered by the thing and to try to push through and create results in resistance to that internal deep trigger is crazy. 

What You’ll Hear In This Episode

  • Why is it essential to align the truth of where you’re at before doing anything in life?
  • How getting clear with your desires will help your focus?
  • Why do you have to lean into resistance rather than fighting it? 
  • Shift out of it by remembering who you are and then moving forward with your desires. 
  • Why do you need to go slow, to go fast?
  • “If you don’t lean into it and be with it but just to understand it, then everything you do is done in resistance.
  • In this journey of life, what robs people from what they truly want to experience?
  • “You can go out and create your desires because you choose the desire simply because you choose the desires with nothing to prove or defend.”
  • What happens when you no longer resist your deepest fears?
  • Why do you need to look your ego straight in the eye and not give in to what it tells you?
  • “Slow down and take the time to identify what is within you you’re resisting, so it no longer persists.”

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